Everyone Should Have A Credit Card Bottle Opener

Life is hard enough without those terrible moments where you’d like to crack a beer, but don’t have anything nearby to make that happen. That’s why we don’t go anywhere without our wallet bottle opener. You shouldn’t either.

Here’s what you do. Order one or two (can’t hurt to have extras) and stash one in your wallet—it fits easily into any standard-sized wallet. Then, the next time you’re ready for a nice cold bottle of IPA or a wacky pastry stout, you know you’ll be ready. The sturdy stainless steel construction never fails to do the job. Plus, there are two great finishes to choose from—the classic stainless option or the “marble” coated option if you like something a bit more glam.

Best Credit Card Beer Opener

It literally can go with you everywhere, and we’ve been grateful for it more than once. Forgot to pack an opener at the picnic? Pull this out. Need a 2 pm “it’s 5 o’clock somewhere” beer? Voila. At home, and can’t find your main bottle opener for the life of you? You know there’s a backup waiting for you in your wallet!

Life’s too short to be foiled in your attempts to enjoy your favorite beer. That’s why everyone needs one of these bottle openers. Grab one or two for yourself, of course, but they also make fantastic gifts!

See The Opener Now!